

Welcome to Papis, where the spirit of aviation comes to life. We are more than just a brand; we are an inclusive community of passionate aviators, enthusiasts, and explorers united by a shared love for the skies. Papis is a beacon for those seeking innovative products designed with pilots in mind. But we're about much more than just practicality; we're about identity, sustainability, and a sense of belonging. With our carefully curated and in-house designed offerings, we aim to enhance the flying experience, contribute to the growth of the aviation industry, and make a positive impact on the environment. Join us in our mission to bring the thrill of aviation into the hands of pilots and enthusiasts, fostering a community that soars higher together.


Origin Story 🔴🔴

The genesis of Papis can be traced back to an observation, a gap, and a passion for the skies. The world of aviation, especially general aviation, is one that pulses with excitement, innovation, and a sense of boundless freedom. Yet, within this dynamic space, we noticed something missing: a brand that speaks directly to the needs and identities of those who partake in this pursuit.

Every interest, every hobby, has a brand - an entity that not only caters to the technical needs of the participants but also becomes a part of their identity, a symbol of their passion. In the world of general aviation, this sense of belonging, of having a brand that one could identify with, was noticeably absent.

This observation sparked the birth of Papis. The brand name and logo derive from a fundamental navigation aid familiar to all pilots - the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI). These four lights, two white and two red, guide pilots to their destination safely and efficiently. The essence of this technology embodies the spirit of our brand - taking available technology and tailoring it to an aviation scenario to enhance and improve the flying experience.

We set out to create a brand that would not only provide innovative and fit-for-purpose products but would also resonate with the identity of pilots and enthusiasts alike. We recognized the potential to form a community that goes beyond the act of flying, transcending into an experience that pilots and enthusiasts could feel a part of.

Thus, Papis was created as an emblem for those with a love for aviation, offering more than just products - offering an identity, a sense of belonging, and a dedication to serving the needs of the aviation community. Papis is here to ensure that the world of general aviation isn't just about being in the air, but also about being part of something bigger on the ground.

Our Mission

At Papis, our mission is to bring innovation to aviation, specifically for pilots and enthusiasts. We create products and tools that enable better performance, foster identity, promote camaraderie, and contribute positively to the environment. Our aim is not just to offer a product line, but to cultivate a community that is supportive, engaged, and committed to the progress of aviation. Our focus extends beyond the commercial, as we strive to build relationships with communities, enable industry development, and ensure that all our offerings are meticulously crafted and fit-for-purpose.

Our Vision

Our vision is to revolutionize the world of general aviation. We believe in a future where pilots, enthusiasts, and the environment benefit from our pursuit of innovation. We envision Papis as a trusted and recognized brand in the aviation industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible and expected in aviation gear and accessories. As we continue to evolve, we strive to develop sustainable products that not only fulfill the requirements of our customers but also contribute positively to the environment. Our ambition is to create a holistic aviation experience that encompasses comfort, safety, style, and eco-consciousness. By prioritizing these values, we aspire to leave a lasting, positive impact on the aviation industry and our planet.

Our Values

At Papis, our values are more than just words - they are the fundamental principles that drive our business decisions, shape our products, and foster the community we are building.

  1. Innovation for Comfort and Safety: We leverage innovation to increase comfort and reduce pilot fatigue. By prioritizing safety, we transform the flying experience into something more secure and enjoyable.

  2. Community and Equity: We strive to create a diverse and inclusive community of pilots and aviation enthusiasts. Our vision of equity extends beyond our organization, as we believe in fostering a space where everyone, regardless of background or identity, feels welcomed and valued.

  3. Industry Development: Our commitment to the aviation industry is unwavering. We aim to play an active role in its evolution and growth, contributing to its future through our actions and innovations.

  4. Quality and Purpose: We are committed to delivering fit-for-purpose products. Whether curated or developed in-house, we maintain high-quality standards, ensuring that every item we offer serves a real need in the world of aviation.

  5. Sustainability: We are conscious of our role in the global community and are committed to sustainable practices. We aim for zero waste to landfill by reusing, recycling, and repurposing. Our operations strive to be carbon neutral, and we have an active role in carbon offsetting. We are also dedicated to aligning our actions with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as we believe that businesses should play a vital part in shaping a more sustainable future.

The Founder's Story

Selfie of founder flying his Grumman Cheetah

Hello, I'm Gareth, the founder of Papis.

I've always been fascinated by aviation. This fascination led me to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering and build a career in the aviation industry. For five years, I worked alongside some of the brightest minds, witnessing firsthand the impact of innovation and passion on this dynamic field. However, a new opportunity took me away from the aviation industry for a decade, but my passion for flight never waned.

In 2016, my wife gifted me a trial flying lesson, rekindling my love for aviation. I went on to complete my Private Pilot License and became the proud owner of a Grumman AA5A. It was around this time that I felt a strong pull to return to the aviation world - not just as a pilot, but as a creator and innovator.

My return to aviation wasn't just a personal calling, but also felt like a family legacy. My grandfather was an aircraft engineer during the Second World War, specializing in engines, and my great uncle served as a delivery pilot for the Air Transport Auxiliary during the same period. His bravery extended beyond the cockpit, as he held a world record for parachute delayed drop. Their lives, marked by courage, innovation, and a deep love for aviation, have always inspired me.

Papis is a tribute to this lineage and to all aviation enthusiasts who share this passion. It represents my journey - from an aerospace engineer to a pilot, and now, an entrepreneur. It’s an amalgamation of my love for flight, my engineering background, and my commitment to create something meaningful for the aviation community.

Today, Papis is more than just a brand. It’s a community for those who find joy in the world of aviation, and a platform for innovative, sustainable, and quality products designed with the needs of pilots and enthusiasts at heart. As we chart our course into the future, we carry with us the spirit of those who came before us, their passion fueling our drive to make a lasting, positive impact on the world of aviation.

Product Highlight: Papis Aviation Polo Shirt

At Papis, we understand that the right attire can significantly enhance the flight experience. That's why we've put careful thought and meticulous engineering into our debut product - the Papis Aviation Polo Shirt. Designed with the needs of pilots and aviation enthusiasts in mind, this shirt combines functionality with comfort and style.

One of the distinguishing features of our polo shirt is the integrated pockets on the sleeves. These pockets are perfectly sized for essentials like sunglasses, phones, PLBs, pens, and torches - everything you need close at hand while up in the air.

We've also given attention to those little details that make all the difference. The back panel is slightly longer to prevent the shirt from untucking while flying. The shoulder seams are slightly offset to reduce pressure points from shoulder harnesses, making for a more comfortable flight experience.

The shirt collar, apart from adding to the overall aesthetic, has been designed to retain its shape and resist curling even after washing. This means your polo shirt stays looking sharp and professional, flight after flight.

The Papis Aviation Polo Shirt is made using high-quality 180gsm 100% lightweight cotton. We chose this material for its breathability and comfort, especially important for those prolonged hours in the seat. The shirt is currently available in three classic colors – Black, Blue, and Red.

But our vision goes beyond this initial product. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive range of aviation-inspired clothing, each piece thoughtfully designed with a nod to the needs and wants of the aviation community. To get a glimpse of what's coming next, visit our "Coming Next/Backlog" page. We're excited about the journey ahead and invite you to join us in making Papis a cornerstone brand of the aviation world.

Sustainability, Equity, and Social Impact

At Papis, we firmly believe that our responsibilities extend beyond the world of aviation. We are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society, guided by principles of sustainability and equity.

We're aware that our industry has an environmental footprint and we're committed to addressing it head-on. We strive to operate a carbon-neutral business and are actively exploring ways to offset our carbon emissions. From our production processes to our supply chain, we continuously assess and optimize our practices to minimize our environmental impact.

Equity is also a value we hold dear. We understand the power of inclusivity and the importance of ensuring that everyone feels seen, valued, and served by our brand. One of our initial oversights was designing our first product with a male demographic in mind - a reflection of the current majority in aviation. We acknowledge this mistake and have learned from it.

We're committed to creating a diverse and inclusive brand that represents and caters to all individuals who share a passion for aviation. Going forward, equity will always be at the forefront of our product development and company culture.

Finally, we're committed to making a positive social impact. Our operations are guided by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, which set the blueprint for a better and more sustainable future.

We aim to build strong relationships with our communities, involve them in our journey, and support the wider industry development. As we grow, we look forward to expanding our initiatives to give back to our community and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world.

Papis is more than a brand. It’s a commitment to progress, equality, and sustainability. Together, let’s make a difference, one flight at a time.

Future Plans

Here at Papis, we are never content with standing still; we're always looking forward to our next adventure. Our immediate plans are focused on the continual development of our brand, products, and community involvement.

Our website is our primary platform for connecting with you, our aviation community, and we have exciting plans to expand and improve it. We aim to create an engaging, informative, and user-friendly space that you'll want to revisit time and again. Whether it's updates on our sustainability initiatives, upcoming product launches, or simply sharing captivating stories from the world of aviation, we aim to make our website a dynamic hub for all things Papis.

In terms of our product line, we're driven by a relentless passion to innovate and improve. We're currently working on developing and curating a diverse range of products, each designed to enhance the flying experience and showcase our love for aviation. From clothing to accessories, we're excited to bring you an assortment of aviation-centered goods that capture the spirit of flight.

But we also know that aviation is not just about the products or the technology, but the experiences they enable. To that end, we're keen on doing more flying, attending more aviation events, and deepening our engagement with the aviation community. We are eager to share in the joy of flight, learn from others, and contribute to the lively and passionate world of aviation enthusiasts.

We're excited about what the future holds for Papis. As we navigate this journey, we're committed to staying true to our core values of innovation, sustainability, and equity, and to continually striving to exceed your expectations. Our vision is clear, our passion is strong, and we look forward to sharing this exciting journey with you. Join us, as we take Papis to new heights.

Join Us in Our Journey

We're more than just a brand; we're a community of aviation enthusiasts, and we invite you to be part of our journey. Here's how you can get involved:

Spread the Word: We've created some innovative dual-purpose flyers that not only introduce Papis, but also function as a Morse code 'converter' and an estimated time chart - valuable tools for every pilot! If you're part of a flying school, club, or simply know a group that would appreciate these, get in touch with us via our 'Contact Us' page. Let us know where you'd like them to be sent, and we'll take care of the rest.

Stay Connected: Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated with our latest products, initiatives, and exciting stories from the world of aviation. It's the best way to keep up with the Papis journey.

Join the Conversation: We value your input and would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback. After all, we're here to serve you, the aviation community.

We're excited about what lies ahead and we'd love for you to be a part of it. So, let's embark on this exciting journey together. Here's to soaring to new heights with Papis!